Hey You Men, Listen Up . . .
Insight and color on why female financial planners are, by one important measure, much more successful than their male conterparts.
Insight and color on why female financial planners are, by one important measure, much more successful than their male conterparts.
Adding and dropping money managers in a managed account program is both science and art. Here’s some insight into the process.
Another year comes to an end and investors as well as their advisers will begin the arduous task of preparing to file tax returns for 2003. What are the common areas of that will trip up taxpayers?
Truthfully, public relations should be thought of as one of the arrows in your promotions quiver along with advertising, personal selling, direct mail, et al. And unlike the other tools, public relations is designed to help bring you more business as well
As a financial advisor, do you think you’ll work till you drop? Or do you think you might actually retire and enjoy the good life someday. If you decide to sell, here’s how your practice might be valued.
When one of the largest indpendent broker/dealer’s in the United States, LPL Financial Services, allowed me to survey their 5,100 registered reps, the results provided insights in into the evolution of wealth management.
Everyone knows how to get clients, in theory, if not in practice. There are some you just don’t want however.
If you’re thinking about marketing financial planning services with seminars, think about this: there are no magic bullets when it comes to filling the room with prospects.
Compensation in financial planning is shifting toward salary plus incentive compensation, with tied to specific objectives. Sound tricky? It is.
For financial planners, home office can offer a lot of convenience, but it makes a definite statement.